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Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Literature Review

Excellent tips on how to write a literature review can be found on: The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It. The point that struck me most was the following which I quote from the section entitled Final Notes:

You are not trying to list all the material published, but to synthesize and evaluate it according to the guiding concept of your thesis or research question.

There are many good examples of Action Research literature reviews on Education sites. We can perhaps find one and comment on its argument, its organization, and its use of language.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed the author did not use any direct quotes. She rephrases each study's significance and relates it to her own work.While the literature review presents others' ideas, the writer's voice is present in the work. The sources used support what Seddon is saying. She provides ample notation in the text when the ideas she mentioned are not her own.She avoids using a personalized tone. Her work sounds confident, convincing and decisive. She uses linking words that indicate contrast which shows the reader how she has analyzed what the researchers have said .

3:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeniffer Seddon’s Literature review follows up from the problem which was identified in the background. She clearly defines the problem- the students’ failure to apply skills of critical literacy .They needed to be explicitly taught how to apply critical thinking in their scientific research. Similarly students who experience problems in answering inferential questions in comprehension must be explicitly taught these skills.

In her information seeking she critically analyses what is relevant to her problem and what is not. She aims to get that research method that works not only for some but one that fits her context. She zeros in on a research methods course that helps students to evaluate the suitability and reliability of their sources.

Jenny Seddon clearly and concisely identifies the problem she shows her findings and her sources. This clear definition and organization, this critical evaluation of research findings and the eventual zeroing in on what is relevant to the research question is what students should aim to achieve in their curriculum studies.

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kayrein and Sandra I think you have made some very insightful observations about the Seddon piece. I too liked the way she sets up her literature review against the background of "the problem" that she is investigating. She gives a clear description of her challenge to get her students to think critically, rather than to cut and paste inaccurate information from websites. She evaluated her challenge as two-fold. Not only did she think she needed to foster better critical thinking skills, she also saw the need to develop better skills at evaluating websites. As I looked at her references I wished our library had some of those articles on developing critical thinking skills! This is an area that most teachers find a challenge.

3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found Jennifer Seddon's Literature Review clear, concise and coherent. Her problem was that her students could not critically evaluate their scientific literature which resulted in their doing poor assignments. This prompted her to research a method to assist them in developing critical thinking skills not just to evaluate scientific literature but for life in general or as she puts it, to be "lifelong learners".

Since her problem is so clearly defined, she is able to "zero in" on the relevant research to assist in addressing it. Her research also made her aware of the popularity of the internet as a source of scientific information for her students, and that critical thinking is quite necessary here in order to assess the accuracy and validity of these websites.

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tips on conducting a Lit review were very useful.
First of all I found the lit review to be very reader friendly and stated in concise language. After reading the Tips I found that Seddon’s lit review complied. I thought her description of the background of her study was useful in giving the reader a setting on which her arguments were developed. The writer also gave a clear reasoning of the importance of her study to her field. She was also convincing in stating arguments and summarizing various approaches as well as evaluating them. Review was also well supported and seemed not to be fluffed with lots of sources, therefore her voice could be recognized.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone!
I found the guidelines on conducting a Literature review very helpful to our own Curriculum Study and Dissertation. After a thorough reading of the guidelines, I realised that the Literature review is not as difficult as it may seem at first. Jeniffer Seddon’s Literature review was on par with the guidelines. It was not only clear, but also concise and coherent. Seddon’s Literature review follows up from the problem which was identified in the background: failure to apply critical literacy skills in interpreting scientific literature. Seddon’s Literature review uses the work of other sources to support her thesis statement or case. However, at the end of the review it is her views that we are left with. And this is the focus of our own literature review.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi everyone
I have not been able to read Jenny Seddon's lit review as yet but i will have a copy by tomorrow. Howver the tips that Dr. james provided gave me some direction again.The tips emphasisied that the lit review is not just a descriptive list of the material that we have read but it should act as a guide to your work . My initial plan was to section with similiar materials but i had lost my train of thought . So I look forward to using the tips again for further guidance to my chapter two
Thanks again Dr James.

5:32 PM  

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